CDU00830M02570A01 fra Concept Microwave er en multi-band combiner med pasbånd fra 830-867MHz/875-915MHz/1705-1785MHz/1915-1985MHz/2495-2570MHz.
It has an insertion loss of less than 1.0dB and an rejection of more than 30dB. Kombineren kan håndtere op til 50W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 215x140x34mm .This RF Multi-band combiner design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender . Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers.
CDU00880M01880A01 fra Concept Microwave er en Cavity Duplexer med pasbånd fra 925-960MHz&1805-1880MHz ved DL-port og 880-915MHz&1710-1785MHz ved UL-port. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.5dB and an isolation of more than 65 dB. Dupleksenheden kan håndtere op til 20 W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 155x110x25.5mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers.
Cavity duplexers are three port devices used in Tranceivers (transmitter and receiver) to separate the Transmitter frequency band from the receiver frequency band. De deler en fælles antenne, mens de arbejder samtidigt ved forskellige frekvenser. En duplekser er dybest set et høj- og et lavpasfilter forbundet til en antenne.
CDU00836M00881A01 fra Concept Microwave er en Cavity Duplexer med pasbånd fra 824-849MHz og 869-894MHz. Den har et indsættelsestab på mindre end 1 dB og en isolation på mere end 70 dB. Dupleksenheden kan håndtere op til 20 W effekt. Den fås i et modul, der måler 128x118x38mm. Dette RF-hulrums-duplexer-design er bygget med SMA-stik, der er af hunkøn. Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers.
CDU00066M00520M40N fra Concept Microwave er en LC-kombiner med pasbånd fra 66-180MHz og 400-520MHz.
It has an insertion loss of less than 1.0dB and an rejection of more than 40dB. Kombineren kan håndtere op til 50W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 60mm x 48mm x 22mm. This RF Multi-band combiner design is built with N connectors that are female gender. Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers.
CDU00410M00427M80S fra Concept Microwave er en Cavity Duplexer med pasbånd fra 410-417MHz ved lavbåndsport og 420-427MHz ved højbåndsport. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.7dB and an isolation of more than 80 dB. Dupleksenheden kan håndtere op til 100 W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 210x210x69mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers.
Concept tilbyder de bedste cavity triplexer filtre i branchen, vores cavity triplexer filtre er blevet brugt bredt i Wireless, Radar, Public Safety, DAS
The CDU08700M14600A01 from Concept Microwave is a microstrip Duplexer with passbands from 8600-8800MHz and 12200-17000MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.0dB and an isolation of more than 50 dB. Dupleksenheden kan håndtere op til 30 W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 55x55x10mm. This RF microstrip duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers.
CDU14660M15250A02 fra Concept Microwave er en RF Cavity Duplexer med pasbånd fra 14,4GHz~14,92GHz ved lavbåndsport og 15,15GHz~15,35GHz ved højbåndsport. It has an insertion loss of less than 3.5dB and an isolation of more than 50 dB. Dupleksenheden kan håndtere op til 10 W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 70.0×24.6×19.0mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers.
The CDU00950M01350A01 from Concept Microwave is a microstrip Duplexer with passbands from 0.8-2800MHz and 3500-6000MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.6dB and an isolation of more than 50 dB. Dupleksenheden kan håndtere op til 20 W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 85x52x10mm .This RF microstrip duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender . Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers
The CDU00950M01350A01 from Concept Microwave is a microstrip Duplexer with passbands from 0.8-950MHz and 1350-2850MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.3 dB and an isolation of more than 60 dB. Dupleksenheden kan håndtere op til 20 W effekt. It is available in a module that measures 95×54.5x10mm. This RF microstrip duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Anden konfiguration, såsom forskelligt pasbånd og forskellige stik, er tilgængelige under forskellige modelnumre.
1. Lille størrelse og fremragende præstationer
2. Lavt passband-indføringstab og høj afvisning
3. SSS, hulrum, LC, spiralformede strukturer er tilgængelige i henhold til forskellige applikationer
4. Custom Duplexer, Triplexer, Quadruplexer, Multiplexer og Combiner er tilgængelige
Siden etableringen har vores fabrik udviklet førsteklasses produkter med overholdelse af princippetaf kvalitet først. Vores produkter har opnået fremragende ry i branchen og værdifuld tillid blandt nye og gamle kunder.